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Past Simple Exercises с ответами - 3 класс и старше

Для закрепления теории по теме простое прошедшее время в английском языке Past Simple Tense, мы подготовили для вас упражнения с ответами. Прежде чем их выполнять, советуем повторить правила и посмотреть на примеры. Мы постарались подобрать упражнения поинтереснее на отработку Past Simple простого и сложного уровней для детей школьного возраста. С первыми заданиями правильно справится даже ребенок, познакомившийся с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени, затем они будут усложняться от уровня elementary до pre-intermediate. Можно выполнять упражнения онлайн или скачать Past Simple Worksheets и ответы к ним после каждого раздела по классам.


Упражнения по английскому языку

3-4 классы

1. Подчеркните верную форму глагола to be в прошедшем времени.

Yesterday I was at the park. My friends were at the park. It was windy. There was a boy and a kite. The kite was in the tree. The boy was sad. There was a tall man. The kite was on the ground. Then it was in the sky. We were all happy.

2. Посмотрите на картинку и вставьте was или were.

  1. Jay and his friends were outside.

  2. Jay _________ wet.
  3. Beth and Celia _________ very cold.
  4. The ducks _________ happy.
  5. Mum _________ angry!

3. Посмотрите на картинки и составьте предложения, используя was или were и слова из рамочки.


at the park







  1. I was at the park.
  2. I ____________________________.
  3. It ___________________________.
  4. They _________________________.
  5. He ___________________________.
  6. We __________________________.

4. Подчеркните wasn’t или weren’t.

  1. Mum and Dad wasn’t / weren’t sad.
  2. Alison wasn’t / weren’t good.
  3. Jamie wasn’t / weren’t a policeman.
  4. It wasn’t / weren’t sunny yesterday.
  5. We wasn’t / weren’t in the living room.

5. Напишите предложения, употребив утвердительный или отрицательный глагол to be в Past Simple.

  1. Rob / handsome / -  Rob wasn’t handsome.
  2. Chloe and Eric / clever / +
  3. Eric and Mia / friendly / -
  4. Julia and Kate / pretty / +
  5. Chloe / pretty / +
  6. Rob / clever / +
  7. Kate / clever / -
  8. Eric / handsome / -

6. Закончите текст, используя утвердительную или отрицательную форму глагола to be в Past Simple.

This is a photo of my friend’s party. There 1 were lots of presents but there 2 _________ any balloons. There 3 _________ lots of girls but there 4 _________ any boys. There 5 _________ a big chocolate cake! There 6 _________ any sweets.



Скачать Past Simple Exercises pdf 3-4 классы: Past-Simple-Exercises-3-4-klassy.pdf [417.14 Kb] (скачиваний: 6554)

Скачать Past Simple Exercises 3-4 классы. Ответы: Past-Simple-Exercises-3-4-klassy-Otvety.pdf [341.4 Kb] (скачиваний: 2295)




5-6 классы

1. Закончите текст. Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple.

It was George’s birthday party on Friday. We had a great time. George 1. invited (invite) all his friends and everyone 2.________ (enjoy) it. The lights 3.________ (sparkle), we 4.________ (listen) to music and 5.________ (dance) all evening. Then we 6.________ (play) games. I 7.________ (clap) when George 8.________ (open) his presents. We all 9.________ (tidy) up when the party 10.________ (end) and I 11.________ (not want) to go home!

2. Посмотрите на картинку. Откройте скобки, чтобы закончить предложения, используя наречия времени из рамочки.

Last Saturday

Last month

Yesterday evening

Last Monday


Last Thursday


Today is Saturday 15th November.

  1. Last Saturday, Clare played (play) tennis.
  2. ____________________, it ________ (be) my birthday.
  3. ____________________, Jason ________ (play) badminton with Henry.
  4. ____________________, I ________ (tidy) my room.
  5. ____________________, we ________ (watch) a play at the theatre.
  6. ____________________, Dad ________ (phone) Roger.

3. Это задание связано с неправильными глаголами. Соедините начало и конец слова так, чтобы получилась верная форма глагола в Past Simple.

  1. heard
  2. __________
  3. __________
  4. __________
  5. __________
  6. __________
  7. __________
  8. __________

4. Выпишите глаголы в правильную колонку, поставив их в Past Simple.










Regular verbs

Irregular verbs









5. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.

  1. We eated / ate lunch very early.
  2. Eric saw / seen a robot at the exhibition.
  3. Holly heard / heared the music.
  4. Jasper and Ryan buyed / bought a sandwich.
  5. I went / goed to school yesterday.
  6. Jamie make / made breakfast this morning.
  7. The birds flew / flied away.
  8. The scientist thinked / thought about the question.

6.Вернитесь к упр. 5 и перепишите эти предложения в отрицательной форме.

  1. We didn’t eat lunch very early.
  2. _____________________________________________.
  3. _____________________________________________.
  4. _____________________________________________.
  5. _____________________________________________.
  6. _____________________________________________.
  7. _____________________________________________.
  8. _____________________________________________.

7. Закончи текст. Раскрой скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

Olly and I 1. went (go) to a lovely old village last weekend. It 2._________ (not be) very far away. We 3._________ (buy) some cheese, bread and fruit, and we 4._________ (think) about having a picnic near the river. We 5._________ (not have) very much water. Olly 6._________ (see) a shop but it 7._________ (be) closed. We 8._________ (eat) our food and 9._________ (fall asleep) under the trees.

8. Посмотрите на картинки. Напишите вопрос и дайте краткий ответ.

  1. Sally / buy / a postcard - Did Sally buy a postcard? – Yes, she did.
  2. they / have lunch / in a café - _______________________________________________________.
  3. Mum and Dad / go / to a concert - ___________________________________________________.
  4. The children / hear / a funny story - __________________________________________________.
  5. Poppy / find / anything interesting - __________________________________________________.

9. Соедините вопросы и ответы.

  1. Where did you go? - с               
  2. What did you see?                
  3. Did you buy a postcard?             
  4. Who did you meet?              
  5. What did you learn?              
  6. Did you have a good day?

a. No, I didn’t. I bought a model dinosaur.

b. I met a scientist.

c. We went to the dinosaur museum.

d. Yes, we had a great day!

e. We saw a dinosaur skeleton.

f. We learnt about dinosaurs.

10. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились Past Simple questions.

  1. you / eat / did / what – What did you eat?
  2. Henry and Andy / where / have luch / did - ________________________________________.
  3. why / Max / buy / did / ten postcards - ____________________________________________.
  4. the money / where / did / find / they - ____________________________________________.
  5. you / learn / did / about rocks and plants / what - ___________________________________.
  6. you / did / hear / when / the good news - _________________________________________.
  7. which / the class / go to / did / part of the coast - ___________________________________.


Скачать Past Simple Exercises 5-6 классы: Past-Simple-Exercises-5-6-klassy.pdf [442.38 Kb] (скачиваний: 3878)

Скачать Past Simple Exercises 5-6 классы. Ответы: Past-Simple-Exercises-5-6-klassy-Otvety.pdf [355.59 Kb] ((скачиваний: 2205)




7 класс и старше

1. Read what Laura says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o’clock. I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don’t usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock, and I always sleep well.


Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday. Put the sentences into the Past Simple.

  1. She got up at 7 o’clock.
  2. She __________ a big breakfast.
  3. She _______________________.
  4. It _________________________ to get to work.
  5. ___________________________ at 8.45.
  6. ___________________________ lunch.
  7. ___________________________ at 5 o’clock.
  8. ______________ tired when ___________ home.
  9. ______________ a meal yesterday evening.
  10. ______________ out yesterday evening.
  11. ______________________ at 11 o’clock.
  12. ______________ well last night.

2. Complete the sentences using the following verbs. Write these verbs in past simple regular or irregular.











  1. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
  2. ‘How did you learn to drive?’   ‘My father __________ me.
  3. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we __________ it.
  4. Dave __________ down the stairs this morning and __________ his leg.
  5. Jim __________ the ball to Sue, who __________ it.
  6. Ann __________ a lot of money yesterday. She __________ a dress which __________ 100 pounds.

3. Read about Lisa’s journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form.

Last Tuesday Lisa 1.flew (fly) from London to Madrid. She 2.__________ (get) up at six o’clock in the morning and 3.__________ (have) a cup of coffee. At 6/30 she 4. __________ (leave) home and 5. __________ (drive) to the airport. When she 6. __________ (arrive), she 7. __________ (park) the car and then 8. __________ (go) to the airport café where she 9. __________ (have) breakfast. Then she 10. __________ (go) through passport control and 11. __________ (wait) for her flight. The plane 12. __________ (depart) on time and 13. __________ (arrive) in Madrid two hours later. Finally she 14. __________ (take) a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the center of Madrid.

4. Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week etc.)

  1. Jim always goes to work by car. – Yesterday he went to work by car.
  2. Rachel often loses her keys. - She ____________________________ last week.
  3. Kate meets her friends every evening. – She ___________________yesterday evening.
  4. I usually buy two newspapers every day. – Yesterday I ________________________.
  5. We usually go to the cinema on Sundays. – Last Sunday we ____________________.
  6. I eat an orange every day. – Yesterday I ___________________________________.
  7. Tom always has a shower in the morning. – This morning he _____________________.
  8. Our friends come to see us every Friday. – They _______________________ last Friday.

5. Write sentences about what you did yesterday.

  1. I played volleyball yesterday.
  2. _______________________________________________.
  3. _______________________________________________.
  4. _______________________________________________.
  5. _______________________________________________.
  6. _______________________________________________.

6. Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative.

  1. I saw Barbara but I didn’t see Jane.
  2. They worked on Monday but they __________________ on Tuesday.
  3. We went to the post office but we __________________ on the bank.
  4. She had a pen but she __________________ any paper.
  5. Jack did French at school but he __________________ German.

7. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

  1. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)
  2. The film wasn’t very good. I _didn’t enjoy_ it very much. (enjoy)
  3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I __________ her. (disturb)
  4. I was very tired, so I __________ the party early. (leave)
  5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I __________ very well. (sleep)
  6. The window was open and a bird __________ into the room. (fly)
  7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It __________ very much. (cost)
  8. I was in a hurry, so I __________ time to phone you. (have)
  9. It was hard carrying the bags. They __________ very heavy. (be)

8. Write questions with Did…?

  1. I watched TV last night. And you? – Did you watch TV last night?
  2. I enjoyed the party. And you? – ___________________________?
  3. I had a good holiday. And you? – ___________________________?
  4. I finished work early. And you? – ___________________________?
  5. I slept well last night. And you? – ___________________________?

9. You ask James about his holiday. Write your questions.

- Hi. How are things?

- Fine, thanks. I’ve just had a great holiday.

- Where 1. did you go?

- To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver.

- How 2. ________________________? By car?

- Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco.

- It’s a long way to drive. How long 3. ______________________?

- Two weeks.

- Where 4. _________________________? In hotels?

- Yes, small hotels or motels.

- 5.__________________________________?

- Yes, but it was very hot – sometimes too hot.

- 6. ____________________________ the Grand Canyon?

- Of course. It was wonderful.

10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Упражнение на перевод.

  1. Вчера я почистил зубы три раза. – I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.
  2. В комнате было жарко, поэтому я открыл окно.
  3. Концерт начался в 7.30 и закончился в 10.00.
  4. Когда я был ребенком, я хотел быть доктором.
  5. Происшествие случилось в прошлое воскресенье.
  6. Сегодня хороший день, но вчера шел дождь.
  7. В прошлом году мы наслаждались нашими каникулами. Мы остановились в очень хорошем месте.



Скачать Past Simple Exercises 7 кл и старше: Past-Simple-Exercises-7-klass-i-starshe.pdf [392.47 Kb] (скачиваний: 2013)

Скачать Past Simple Exercises 7 кл и старше. Ответы: Past-Simple-Exercises-7-klass-i-starshe-Otvety.pdf [353.15 Kb] (скачиваний: 1430)

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